Call to artists! Registration for the Maine Lobster Festival’s Open Juried Art Show will take place on Monday, August 1 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Rockland branch of Camden National Bank at 300 Main Street.

Artists from the Midcoast and around the state are invited to join the Maine Lobster Festival in celebrating its 69th year by entering art work in the Art Show.  The show is housed in the Rockland branch of Camden National Bank and participating Main Street Merchant Windows.  Camden National Bank is the sponsor for the art show.

The show is open to professional artists, adult amateurs, and high school, middle school, and elementary students.  Show registration will be held Monday, August 1st and judged by a panel of artists on Tuesday, August 2nd.  Results will be announced in the local papers and individuals will be notified by email or phone for placing in the juried art show. 

The following medium categories are accepted for display and judging: watercolor/acrylic or water mediums, oil, mixed media, photography, digital imagery.

The show also offers two special awards.  The ‘Eddie Harriman Award is judged based on the Maine Lobster Festival Theme: ‘Lobsters’.  The Betty Kinney Award, established in memory of the 25 years of establishing and directing the Art Show, will be given to the painting that best depicts a coastal scene. 

Visit to download registration paperwork. For more information, contact Su Johnson at (207) 542-6933 or email [email protected].


About the Maine Lobster Festival

Five days of fun and feasting on the fabulous coast of Maine!  The Maine Lobster Festival attracts thousands of people to Maine’s Midcoast region, and has a long tradition of giving back to the local community.  In recent years, the Festival committee has given more than $500,000 to the local community through support for Midcoast Regional Child Development Services, Trekkers, Meals on Wheels, and much more!  For more information about the Maine Lobster Festival, visit our website at and be sure to “like” us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter at @MELobsterFest.